
Thanks for stopping by The Funky Dot! Feel free to look around, there's tons of fun & funky stuff to see.

Please remember, no two items will be exactly identical. Everything can be tweeked to the colors of your choice as each item is handmade once you place your order.

If you have any questions, want more information, or want to place an order contact me at funky.dot.spot@gmail.com

Refer your friends! If they place an order & mention your name, you get 10% off your next order!!!

***I'm just getting started, much more to come!***

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Man Room... Arg! Arg! Arg!

Arg! Arg!  I've pulled out my inner Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor!  
Ok, I lie... I have no inner Tool Man!  But most guys do.  
And what guy doesn't want a man room?  
Jessica let Steven have the garage as his man room AND because she's 
a super cool wife, has ordered this sign to make it official!

Large sign $20


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! And so will Steven!!!

  2. That is the cutest thing....pretty much ever. HAHA. I love it!
